FL4T Module (Raruh Flat Chest) (VRChat)
While working the forklift, Raruh found that having such big "airbags" was not very helpful in her line of work. Ever the professional, she got a replacement chest module-- aerodynamic, sleek, and still pretty cute.
This is a flat chestplate for the Raruh avatar by Torinyan! You can find her here: https://booth.pm/en/items/5847605
1.1.2 Update:
-Fixed glitch with ~chest circles~, added ~chest circle~ tutorial
Chest model, chest textures by MayoNassey.
Raruh and Material Setup by Torinyan.
DEPENDENCIES: Poyomi 8.1, Raruh
Contains: Unity package (Flat Module Scene, Model textures, Materials, Setup Tutorial)
Terms of use:
-This product cannot be redistributed in its original form, nor can it be edited and distributed
-Modification of this product is allowed.
-Sale of retextures is permitted.
-This product may not be used in defamatory, obscene, grotesque or acts against public order and morals.